Aaaand I’m Back.

Well, well, well. My first post at the new blog. I’ve tried this blogging thing twice before (well, two times where I was serious about it). My last blog failed because it was about something very specific – fashion – and I couldn’t get my brain around how narcissistic it felt. And it was a giant pain in the ass to have to take pictures so frequently. So, after a sad little attempt to keep it going after the lustre died, I just let it go. I also got pregnant and had a baby not long after so maybe that was a good thing.

I’ve also tried once before to lifestyle blog – but I never kept with it. However, looking back at my previous blog, what really stuck out to me was the writing. I really like to write, and I’m not too shabby at it. And it was so fun to see my writing come through in a way it couldn’t in my fashion blog. So I’m going to try this again.

The first blog failed due to inability to be consistent…the second blog I was consistent for years but the content wasn’t ideal for me. This time, I’m going to try and find that consistency again without the constraints of being a “certain kind” of blog. I’m just going to write. And if I want to write about fashion, and post mirror selfies of my outfits, I’m gonna. If I want to talk about the most random of things, I will do that too. This blog isn’t gonna fit in a box any more. Here’s to new beginnings!